Grant Overview

The 2022 Flood Emergency Wildlife Response Grant supports authorised wildlife shelters and foster carers to care and rehabilitate injured wildlife affected by the recent floods in Victoria.

The role that wildlife shelters and foster carers play in responding to the current flooding emergencies is vital and funding is now available to help them.

A total pool of $243,000 is available to support authorised wildlife shelters and foster carers in the 59 local government areas (LGAs). This grant is to address the immediate needs and basic supplies and services in response to the current flooding emergencies.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for this Flood Emergency Wildlife Grant,

  • You must be an authorised wildlife shelter operator and foster carer caring and rehabilitating wildlife.
  • Not hold any convictions for fraud, convictions under the Wildlife Act 1975 or the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 during the past ten years.
  • You are living in the flood affected local government areas (see Appendix A of the Guidelines).
  • Your shelter or operation have been impacted by the 2022 Floods in Victoria or
  • You have taken on additional sick and injured wildlife during the significant floods in October – November 2022.

How much can I apply for?

A one-off payment of up to $750 per application is available to eligible applicants.


How do I apply?

Applications must be submitted through the Grants Online portal. We recommend using either a Chrome or Firefox browser. For detailed instructions see the Guidelines.

Applications closed 31 May 2023.

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Where can I get more information?

Page last updated: 01/06/23