Kangaroo control since the program began

Every year, DEECA reports on harvest statistics and the total take of kangaroos under both the Kangaroo Harvesting Program (KHP) and the Authority to Control Wildlife (ATCW) system.

Since the KHP began late in 2019, the number of landholders choosing to use professional harvesters, rather than apply for ATCW has been increasing.

Between October and December 2019 (the KHP was established in October 2019) 22% of kangaroo control was performed through the KHP. This increased to 54% in 2022.

Breakdown of total kangaroo control in Victoria

Breakdown of total kangaroo control Victoria - 2022

Summary of harvesting activity in 2022

KHP statistics for 2022 are provided in the table below. Overall, just over 68,000 kangaroos – or 4% of the estimated population within harvest zones – were harvested through the KHP. As in 2021, harvesters did not use the full quota allocation available to them. The use of quota varied greatly between harvest zones. Statewide, just over half (57%) of the available quota was used.

ZoneKHP quota availableKHP quota harvested% Harvest zone population harvested
Lower Wimmera22,91518,6715%
North East3,7152,1121%
Upper Wimmera11,4006,8685%

Combined harvesting activity and ATCW permits in 2022

Across the 7 harvest zones, 7% of Eastern and Western Grey kangaroos were taken, either through the KHP or controlled under ATCW permits. This is within the 10% maximum recommended by the Arthur Rylah Institute.

More quota was available to KHP harvesters in 2022 than in 2021, however, there was no significant increase in the combined (KHP and ATCW) number of kangaroos controlled in 2022 compared to the previous year.

ZoneRecommended total take (ATCW and KHP combined)Total take (ATCW and KHP combined)% population taken (ATCW and KHP combined)
Lower Wimmera41,05031,1158%
North East22,10022,91010%
Upper Wimmera13,3508,4876%

The total combined take of kangaroos in the Mallee, was above the recommended figure. DEECA monitors the total number of kangaroos taken through the KHP and ATCWs throughout the year and make necessary changes to ensure harvest is sustainable.

In 2022, the KHP quota for each zone was released across three times throughout the year. Prior to the final quarterly release of quota, DEECA identified that the total take in the North-East, and Lower Wimmera zone was likely to reach or exceed the recommended maximum if the full quota allocation for this zone was released due to higher than anticipated uptake ATCWs. To protect this population from being impacted, the KHP quota for these zones were adjusted and there was no final quarter allocation of quota in this zone.

Monitoring of taking in the Mallee did not show high levels of taking prior to the final release of quota, therefore no adjustment was made to its quota at the time. A higher than anticipated number of kangaroos were approved for control through ATCWs in the final weeks of 2022. High levels of ATCW's in this zone can be attributed to the emergency welfare response for kangaroos due to flooding, and for the management of kangaroos on public land to support conservation values. ATCW permits are valid for 12 months and control approved under a permit can be carried out at any point during that time. It is highly unlikely that all control approved through ATCWs issued late in 2022 was enacted before the end of the year.

As required in the KHMP, DEECA will monitor the number of kangaroos taken throughout 2023 and will take steps to ensure that the sustainability of kangaroo populations is maintained.

Annual reports

Page last updated: 02/06/23